Jeet Kune Do (JKD) in Stafford

Unfortunately there are currently no Jeet Kune Do classes based directly within Stafford. However, if you’re willing to travel a little further afield, you can find JKD being taught in Wolverhampton which is just a quarter of an hour away from Stafford by train.

Further Afield – Wolverhampton

Darren Langston – Langston Martial Arts Academy

Darren Langston, Wolverhampton If you don’t mind travelling to Wolverhampton to train, you’ll find JKD classes on Monday evenings at the Langston Martial Arts Academy. JKD classes take place from 7pm till 9pm every Monday and are actually a combination of JKD and Kali (Eskrima) tuition. They also run classes in other martial arts styles including Karate Jutsu (the technical side of Karate, as opposed to Karate Do which would focus on the spiritual side). JKD private lessons are also available – ask for more details if interested.


Location: St Chad’s Church Hall, Oak Street, Coseley, Wolverhampton, WV14 9TA

Further Afield – Birmingham

Nigel Tropman – Birmingham Impact JKD

Nigel Tropman, Birmingham Nigel Tropman runs Jeet June Do classes in Birmingham on Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings, as well as MMA classes on Mondays and Thursdays. He was a student of the late Dave Carnell who in turn was a student of Cass Magda, who in turn learnt JKD from Dan Inosanto.


Location: Birmingham (contact for details)

John Hennessy – The 1-2-1 School of Martial Arts, Birmingham

John Hennessy, Birmingham John runs a school of various arts including Karate, Tai Chi, Wing Chun and Jeet Kune Do in the Hamstead / Great Barr area of North Birmingham. He focussed on private tuition in order to provide each student with maximum value, much like Bruce Lee did in his final years.


Location: Old Walsall Road, Great Barr, Birmingham, B42 1DF