Basic Blocks & Counters

Basic Blocks & Counters – a closer look

These are the most basic and most important moves in Kung Fu and self defence, aside from the actions involved in avoiding conflict in the first place. These blocks are often neglected, but they won’t be neglected here – they deserve a good share of your attention until you’re comfortable with them.

Up & Down blocks

Tai Wu Sau

Bolo Yeung's Jong Sau upwards wedging block

Tai Wu Sau 提護手 (lifting guard hand) is an emergency move, for when your hands are low (like they normally are naturally) and the opponent is punching over the top of them. With little time to react, or little space to move, an upwards wedging block may be needed.

Pak Sau to Gam Da

Bruce Lee doing a risky Gam Sau

Pak Sau 拍手 (slap block) into Gam Da 撳打 (pin & hit) is generally the best thing to do for defending against a straight punch, if you have the time & space for it. It puts you in a dominant position for exchanging punches, or for flanking the opponent and potentially getting behind them.

Left & Right blocks – High

Jak Jeung

Bruce Lee doing Jak Jeung 側掌 (side palm) on Dan Inosanto

Jak Jeung 側掌 (sidewards palm) is a high sidewards slap, usually accompanied by counter striking underneath the attacker’s arm, as an alternative to slapping it down and punching over the top. For when your attacker is punching too high, or seems too tall or too strong for bringing their hand down and punching over it – in this case you can step more, press less, by slapping it aside and countering underneath while still flanking or standing your ground if you insist.

Biu Da

Bruce Lee demonstrating Biu Da on Taky Kimura

The Biu Da 鏢 (point & hit) is a sharp emergency move (when done on the Inside Gate, which is where it’s most useful). It can either be done very aggressively or very passively but must be done very carefully either way, since it’s a high risk position to be in. This is a sidewards wedging block for dealing with long, wide swinging hooks around the side of your head, that you need to come inside the arc of, because you can’t lean back enough to avoid it.

Left & Right blocks – Low

Gang Da

Bruce Lee doing Gang Sau / Gaang Sau / Garn Sau

Gang Da 耕手 (plough & hit) is a low downward-pointing ploughing arm cutting down and sweeping outwards from the inside gate – important for dealing with low punches, especially hooks to the kidneys or floating ribs.

Dai Bong Sau

Bruce Lee's Dai Bong Sau vs Dan Inosanto

Dai Bong Sau 低膀手 (low wing arm) is the main way to block a low straight punch, coming from a low origin (for example, when the opponent is in a low stance) towards a low target such as your solar plexus or lower.

Forward posting

Jong Sau

Bruce Lee's extended guard hand (Stiff-Arm Fend)

Jong Sau 樁手 (post hand) is an extended stiff-arm guard, for enforcing the boundary to your personal space without needing to throw fists and prematurely escalate a brewing confrontation.